Wonder Years Tree

This is the kid's bedroom. It is the biggest room in our little house, so Ash has one side and Sienna the other - not that they are at an age to care much. I painted this tree on Monday evening, and added the birds, leaves and music notes yesterday morning - all made out of Daisy D's Wonder Years patterned paper. Love the whimsy :)


Anonymous said...

wow that tree looks just wonderful dQ! great job!!

Unknown said...

beautiful job Danielle. Love it

Anonymous said...

that looks fantastic! I always wanted to do something like that but we rent :(

Anonymous said...

Seeing this makes me SO SO happy! LOVE i!

lusi said...

just gorgeous mate!!!
hey can't email you from this laptop but could you please send me a little bio on you and photo (plus anything you want me to link to of yours -your sis gallery or kiti q?) just when you can :) sorry to have to ask here mate.
thanks dan,
lus x

sylvia said...

Oh gorgeous Danielle, love the room!

Anonymous said...

that tree is so gorgeous! Your kids are very lucky!


Terri B said...

WOWSERS Danielle..that tree is just sensational!

marijana said...

WOW that tree looks AMAZING!!!!!
great job!!!!

Anonymous said...

So beautiful.

Hmm got me thinking.

Would look so nice in Ellas room. But paper would not stick on render.

Anonymous said...

Love that tree! How cool for your little ones to gaze up at!